Unit 1 Lesson 4 Politics electoral systems.
You need to research and present to the class features of the other electoral systems used in the UK —
Group 1 additional member system (AMS);
Group 2 single transferable vote (STV);
Group 3 regional party list (open and closed)
Group 4 supplementary vote.
Group 5- Alternative Vote Plus
A general powerpoint on referenda to introduce the topic to Government and Politics students before starting to study the strengths and weaknesses of them.
Britain 1815 - 1841, Government and Politics
tories 1815-1820 how close to revolution??
liberal tories 1822-1827 how liberal?
collapse of liberal tories 1827-1830 why?
great reform act 1830-32 how great was it?
the whigs 1833-41 how successful were their reforms? why did they lose power1841
chartism to 1841 why popular?
foreign policy castlereagh1815-1822 canning 1822-1827
general social change: railways industrialisation
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Government and Politics Referendum. Where did direct democracy begin?
Name 2 key characteristics of direct and indirect democracy
Give 3 examples of referendums held in the UK?
Give 3 advantages & 3 disadvantages of referenda
By the end of the lesson you should:
Know what citizenship involves
Decide what qualities you think makes a good citizen
- Understand what you will be learning in Citizenship this year